Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Why Should I Listen To You?

I would rather not have the biggest portion of what ends up happening at The IBO Chronicles to be math, but I know that you may have been introduced to this business by someone that you met at a gas station or in a store, or maybe by someone that you were friends with 5 or 10 years ago that called you out of the blue. Forming or rekindling a friendship that involves leadership that begins in this manner can lead you to wonder why you should listen to what they have to say. The biggest question that a lot of new people usually have is, "what are you going to get out of me (doing Eagle volume, attending this event, being on standing order, etc.?) " I know it was my biggest question. I knew my sponsor briefly (about a month) before I approached him about the business. That's right, he didn't contact me, I contacted him. Even though I felt that because of the nature of our daytime relationship (our positions on the org chart at work) he would be pretty daring to suggest I do anything that would harm me financially, I still questioned. It's a good, legitimate question, albeit the wrong one. When I started thinking about the 4% checks and running some numbers I understood that the right question was/is, "what am I going to get out of me (doing Eagle volume, attending this event, being on standing order, etc.?") No tirades about being a selfish society folks, lets just be practical - if you're going to commit to someone, why should you? Why should what they tell you be ironclad and in your best interest and not just theirs?

Before I get into this, let me say that I don't know everyone's upline and maybe your upline is hoping that you are their financial link and not the other way around. If your upline is trying to keep you from going 4000pv because they aren't 6000's yet and they're afraid of losing that 3% bonus from your volume, I would hope you at least consider finding your next highest GROWING upline and getting their help. I believe that the Quixtar guidelines have some wording about the necessity of integrity from your sponsor and upline. At the same time, I hope that you are wise enough to understand that the opportunity is good enough that even if you're having trouble getting help, you can still get the job done. Let me also say that I am not a math guru or a financial specialist, so I may forget to carry the two, but I'll double check my math to be sure.

What's the concept? Create a consistent 7500pv producing pipeline of business and teach others that want to create a consistent 7500pv business to do the same, right? The intention is to create a win-win situation for you and your sponsor because you will make between $2-3K/month according to the plan and your upline will get a 4% cut of your volume, paid by the corporation, for helping you. "But isn't 22 a bigger number than 4? If my sponsor is already at 25% and I'm just at 3%, doesn't the percentage difference drop if my business grows?" Here's a bare-bones example: you're at 25% return on your purchases and your downline is at 3%. You do get a 22% cut off of that business, but it's 22% of approximately $250 - which is a whopping $55.

You're at 25% return, your sponsored IBO is at:
3%(100pv) Your return is 22% of approx. $250 = $55
6%(300pv) Your return is 19% of approx. $750 = $142.50
9%(600pv) Your return is 16% of apporx. $1500 = $240
12%(1000pv) Your return is 13% of approx. $2500 = $325
15%(1500pv) Your return is 10% of approx. $3750 = $375
18%(2500pv) Your return is 7% of approx. $6250 = $437.50
21%(4000pv) Your return is 4% of approx. $10,000 = $400
23%(6000pv) Your return is 2% of approx. $15,000 = $300

The next step is achieving the 25% level in which the corporation will then pay you a 4% check on the sponsored groups volume. If the group did 7500 points on the nose at the $2.50/pv approximation, your 4% check is about $750. So the 4% check you would be paid for helping someone else reach the 7500 point level is better than any of the checks along the way. Note to remember: if you haven't created at least 2,500 pv outside of that group, don't go looking for the 4% check. In other words, there's no welfare here. You'll need to help more than just one person. That should be a positive.

With that break down explained, why on Earth would you do anything to "trick" someone in your group? Why would you lie to them about anything? Why would you ask someone to do something today that will only come back to haunt you? If you lie to someone who is at 600pv in your group and they find out about it, why would or should they trust you enough to follow your instruction about anything? Why would you give your downline any advice that would put them in a financial position to not be able to handle the basics of the business?

Retention is a humongous goal in this business and we talk about it all the time. Open meeting leaders are concerned about who is staying for training and who is back for second looks. The goal is to not have to continually sponsor in width ("revolving door business.") If you help peoople get started and you're dishonest, cheat them or give them horrendous financial advice, and they stuck at 1000pv forever, they aren't going to stay in. That's why your upline's goal is to give you the advice that is in the best interest of your long term success.

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